A photo

As this site is about photography, I’ll post a picture now and then. Most of these will be mine, but if I feel like it, I’ll post pictures by other people as well (with their permission of course).

This picture is a good example why I always carry a camera nowadays. My lab opened 5 minutes late when I wanted to drop off some film before work. To pass the time, I shot some snaps of the fountain across the street. This was among them.

Technical details

Shot on Provia 400X with my Miranda MS2 and Pentax 50mm f1.7. Note that this is just a quick scan, and my scan-fu isn’t brilliant to begin with.

Why I like it1

The colours mostly (as I said, not the best scan unfortunately), the way the tree acts as a natural GND filter, becoming nearly translucent in the process, the way the exposure is just right on the fountain (no droplets, no white haze). It just comes together.

(Click on the image to see a larger version)

  1. if you should care []


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